

How AGR Technology can help you with MailGuard:

  • Protect your organization from spam, phishing attacks, and other message-based attacks
  • Deploy an email archiving solution for your organisation
  • Deploy advanced security to safeguard your business from other sophisticated digital threats
  • Setup all DNS records for MailGuard to start securing your domain and emails
  • Integrate MailGuard security into your existing email hosting plan or a cloud-based provider such as Office 365  or Google apps for business
  • Train staff on what malicious emails look like so they can avoid threats entering the organisation

MailGuard cloud security solutions help to provide the following benefits to any business/organisation


According to research conducted by A. James Clark University, “hackers Attack Every 39 Seconds” makes cyber security very important for every business with email being a common attack vector used by attackers.

  • MailGuard: Filters and tracks all incoming email for your organisation 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide “inbound protection” and optionally can scan outgoing email to provide “outbound protection” preventing malicious content flowing outside your company to other mailboxes.
  • SafeGuard: This is an online email archiving solution with real-time discovery capabilities delivered as an additional component to the MailGuard platform.
  • WebGuard: Prevents online threats from entering your business network and allows you to monitor employee web browsing habits.
  • MailGuard Live: This component adds email continuity and disaster recovery capabilities to the MailGuard platform to perform automatic email backup with an online email archive.

Other features of the product


Compatible with any email server

Due to being cloud-based and not an on-premise solution, MailGuard supports all mail servers including but not limited to the following:

  • Google Workspace (Formally Gsuite)
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Zoho Mail
  • On-premise Microsoft Exchange servers
  • On-premise mail servers
  • Self-hosted CPanel mail servers
  • Zimbra mail servers
  • Proton Mail & other platforms

The platform is scalable, completely interchangeable, and stackable with other leading technologies and vendors such as firewalls, anti-malware scanners, anti-virus tools, and other types of software. As long as one has access to DNS records and can modify MX records, the solution can be installed and used in conjunction with other systems without issue.

Very quick  to stop fast-breaking attacks

Cybercriminals rely on the element of surprise, so ensuring that detection is quick and immediate measures are implemented is critical to keeping an organisation and its employees safe from cyber attacks.

By utilising AI (Artificial Intelligence) the platform is able to detect signs of new malicious email campaigns as they are happening and apply protection measures across the network for all users very quickly.

Summary in video format:

A bit of background history about MailGuard:

MailGuard is an Australian-based cyber security company founded in 2001 by Craig McDonald that operates a cloud-based solution to help businesses of all sizes secure their mailboxes and protect their business and staff from the constantly evolving threats on the internet. AGR Technology is a MailGuard partner and can help you with implementing a strong solution to help protect your business from cyber-attacks.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

I am not very technical can you set up MailGuard for me to configure policies for my business?

Yes for sure! we can help set up the platform for you and configure recommended policies and then depending on your choice set up options to allow admins or staff members to whitelist emails. We only need details of your website domain and hosting setup to get started.

Can I whitelist emails in MailGuard?

MailGuard can occasionally flag legitimate emails and as a result, has whitelisting functionality to allow you to allow certain emails to come through the firewall. Users in the business can receive email summaries of blocked messages and depending on configured policies click a link in the email to “release” the message and have it appear back inside the inbox.

Otherwise, within the MailGuard dashboard, you can click Configure –> MailGuard, and then in the main management console select Release management from the menu on the left where you can choose to send blocked emails back to the inbox.

Is MailGuard the only security solution I need for my business?

While MailGuard on its own is a great solution to provide cyber security it shouldn’t be the only system your business relies on.

Other security practices such as enabling 2FA, using an up-to-date antivirus program, keeping your Operating System (OS) updated and training staff on risks such as Phishing is still important to mitigate risk and provide the maximum defense for your organisation.

How do I open attachments if protected by MailGuard?

If an email containing an attachment has been blocked or held by MailGuard you will need to log in and release it back to your inbox. Once that’s done you will be able to also open the attachment within the email you received.

Does MailGuard send a bounce email back for spam?

If someone sends you a malicious email it will just get caught in the MailGuard filtering system and won’t bounce back. Bounce-backs typically occur when someone tries sending an email to the wrong address or to a domain name that doesn’t exist or isn’t configured to accept any emails.

The mail server will see this request and simply reject the message in most cases this is done by sending back an email advising that the message couldn’t be delivered.

Other quick links & related content from our website:

DDoS protection for small business

What is Ransomware (Glossary Page)

How to remove adware/spyware from your computer

Source(s) cited:

“MailGuard” Accessed 24 Apr. 2022.