How To Buy Bitcoin in Australia - July 2024

How To Buy Bitcoin in Australia

Disclosure: This article was sponsored by ByBit which is a Cryptocurrency exchange platform, the contents of this article do not necessarily reflect the views of AGR Technology

Many traders and investors in Australia are starting to include cryptocurrencies in their portfolios, with as many as 31% having the intention to continue buying crypto in 2024. And as the king among all digital currencies, Bitcoin is definitely a popular Crypto asset you should consider investing in. It is not only legal to buy Bitcoin and other crypto in Australia, but also incredibly easy to buy them.

Ways To Buy Bitcoin in Australia in July 2024

There are five main ways to go about buying Bitcoin in Australia. You can acquire Bitcoin via a cryptocurrency exchange, a crypto wallet, a Bitcoin ATM, a peer-to-peer exchange or over-the-counter (OTC) trading.

Cryptocurrency Exchange

The easiest way to buy Bitcoin in Australia would be through a cryptocurrency exchange, as exchanges have user-friendly platforms and dedicated customer service to help beginner traders and investors just stepping into the world of crypto.

When selecting an exchange to buy your Bitcoin, you should look out for several things. First and foremost would be security. With the insolvency of one of the world’s leading exchanges, FTX, one should do due research to check if the exchange executes proper management of customers’ funds. Secondly, you should also find out if the exchange accepts AUD. After all, you wouldn’t want to go through the hassle of changing AUD to a currency the exchange accepts just to make a transaction, right? Lastly, check the cost of the exchange’s trading fees. While you might not think it affects much in a single transaction or two, a high trading fee can eat into your overall return if you intend to start actively trading in the exchange.

>>Bybit is an exchange that ticks all three points<<

Firstly, it is a highly secure exchange that has never been hacked since its inception. It employs various safety features to help keep its customers’ assets safe, such as Google two-factor authentication, anti-phishing code, withdrawal lock and authenticity check features. Secondly, Bybit accepts over 172 fiat currencies, including AUD, and supports several payment methods, from credit and debit cards to electronic fund transfers. Thirdly, Bybit does not charge any transaction fee for buying their crypto, and only a minimal trading fee of 0.2% or less depending on the kind of trade.

These safety features include:

  • Providing 2FA options
  • Providing anti-phishing codes which are unique codes for your account that help you distinguish emails from fake ones
  • Bybit also uses the New Address Withdrawal Lock function, which prevents any newly added withdrawal address from being utilised for 24 hours.
  • Requiring KYC documentation which helps combat bad actors joining the platform

Crypto Wallet


Crypto wallets are not only for storing your cryptocurrencies; you can also purchase crypto through your wallet. However, it is imperative to note that most crypto wallets are non-custodial, which means only you own the private key, giving you complete control over your assets. While this may seem like an advantage at first glance, it is best to steer clear from this option if you are a beginner in crypto trading. There are two key reasons for this. Firstly, you need a certain level of crypto know-how to navigate a crypto wallet, and more importantly, if you lose your private key, you lose access to your funds, and no one will be able to help you retrieve them.

Bitcoin ATM


You can also buy Bitcoin at Bitcoin ATMs in Australia. Bitcoin ATMs function just like conventional ATMs, making your purchase fast and simple. Moreover, your transactions are completely anonymous and don’t involve any intermediaries. Hence, you can be assured of absolute safety in your Bitcoin purchase. Nevertheless, Bitcoin ATMs can charge a hefty transaction fee of as high as 15 percent.

On top of that, it can be difficult to find a Bitcoin ATM in Australia. Sydney has the most Bitcoin ATMs among all the cities, with 162 estimated ones as of 2023. Melbourne trails close behind at the second place with approximately 144 Bitcoin ATMs as of 2023.

Peer-to-Peer Trading

Peer-to-Peer Trading

Another way to buy Bitcoin without going through a third party is through peer-to-peer trading. Peer-to-peer (P2P) trading is the direct buying and selling of cryptocurrencies between buyers and sellers. Since it’s a direct transaction, you can take charge of how much and at what price you want to buy Bitcoin; all you need to do is find a seller matching your requirements. Many peer-to-peer trading exchanges also include a layer of protection through an escrow payment system to help ensure the security of users’ funds.

However, a significant drawback of P2P trading is that trades may be delayed or not even go through in the end. This is because the trade confirmation depends on the buyer and seller, who may change their mind anytime during the deal. Additionally, many P2P exchanges face the issue of low liquidity, which may also cause transaction delays. Fortunately, many larger exchanges with higher liquidity now also offer P2P platforms for users to make direct crypto trades. One such example is Bybit, which allows you to perform P2P trades with over 300 payment methods at zero transaction fee.

>>Open an account with Bybit now to start buying/selling Crypto assets<<

Over-The-Counter (OTC) Trading

Over-The-Counter trading

Over-the-counter (OTC) trading is similar to P2P trading in that buyers and sellers negotiate a deal, but the negotiation is done through a broker or dealer. Only the broker or dealer knows the asking and selling prices, so the transaction is far more private than trading on an exchange. However, as the negotiation is still relinquished to a third party, cases of fraud may arise. Typically, only high-net-worth individuals or institutions will opt for OTC trading as it involves a large volume of trades to prevent slippages.

How To Buy Bitcoin on Bybit

Now that you know of the different ways to buy Bitcoin in Australia, let’s delve deeper into the easiest way to buy Bitcoin, through a crypto exchange. It is vital to choose a safe and reliable exchange that can meet your needs, like Bybit. Bybit offers you four simple ways to buy Bitcoin.

1) Set Up a Bybit Account

You’ll first have to sign up with Bybit to create an account before you can buy Bitcoin. Signing up with Bybit is easy. You can sign up with your mobile number or email address, depending on your preference. Note that you will have to complete at least KYC (Know Your Customer) Lv. 1 to access all of Bybit’s products and services.

Buy Bitcoin in Four Ways

Once your account is created, you can head to Buy Crypto on the top left of the homepage to choose from four different ways to buy Bitcoin.

Buy Bitcoin in Four Ways

1) Buy Bitcoin with Debit/Credit Card or Bank Transfer

From Buy Crypto, select the first drop-down option, One-Click Buy, to buy Bitcoin with just a single click. This convenient option allows you to pay in AUD with a debit or credit card or via a bank wire transfer.

2) Buy Bitcoin with P2P Trading

As mentioned, Bybit also has its own P2P Trading platform where you can buy Bybit using AUD directly from your preferred seller at zero fee with over 80 payment methods available.

3) Buy Bitcoin with Fiat Deposit and Balance Payment Service

If you prefer to use cash to transact, Bybit also offers the Fiat Deposit and Balance Payment Service, where you can transact with over 10 currency options. Do note, however, that AUD is not available for cash transactions.

4) Buy Bitcoin with Recurring Buy

With the Recurring Buy option, you can even make regular Bitcoin purchases if you intend to grow your Bitcoin investments. This method also does not include AUD as a currency option, however.

Ways To Earn More With Your Bitcoin

At Bybit, there are more things you can do with your Bitcoin than simply holding it in your wallet. You can choose to trade, stake or lend your Bitcoin to reap more profits from this crypto coin.

Trade Your Bitcoin

Bitcoin is available for trading on Bybit as a Spot or derivatives pair. As a derivatives pair, Bitcoin can be traded as an Inverse Perpetual contract or a USDC Options pair.

Stake Your Bitcoin

Bybit Savings is a Bybit product that allows you to stake your Bitcoin to earn a yield with your Crypto assets. You can choose from a fixed term of 30 or 60 days of staking or a flexible term or a flexible term that lets you withdraw your staked Bitcoin anytime.

Lend Your Bitcoin

Another way to grow your Bitcoin assets passively is to lend your Bitcoin. By depositing your Bitcoin into Bybit’s BTC Asset Pool, you will earn an hourly interest payout, which may vary depending on the market conditions.

Is Bitcoin Taxable in Australia?

Cryptocurrencies are treated as property in Australia; hence, crypto is taxed under capital gains tax. Crypto transactions like buying and trading will be taxed, but holding a crypto will not get you taxed. For instance, you will not be taxed for carrying Bitcoin coins in your crypto wallet, and even transferring your Bitcoin assets from one wallet to another will not get you taxed, as it is not a transaction. A capital gains tax will only be triggered when you make a Bitcoin transaction, like buying, trading, or selling Bitcoin or even using Bitcoin to make purchases. If you hold any Crypto assets it may be worth speaking to a qualified accountant to advise you on your legal obligations and any beneficial practices you utilise.



For those looking to dip a toe in crypto, it is always advisable to start with Bitcoin since it is the biggest crypto in terms of market capitalization. There are many ways to get your hands on Bitcoin in Australia, but the easiest would be through a crypto exchange. Bybit is a safe and dependable crypto exchange that provides you with not one but four different ways to buy Bitcoin. Further, you can amplify your Bitcoin gains with Bybit by trading, staking or lending your Bitcoin. We hope all these tips on buying Bitcoin will help you get on a fruitful crypto journey!


AGR Technology may receive a commission on sales generated by partner links on this page.Crypto assets can be highly volatile unregulated investment products and like any type of investment can increase or decrease in value. By no means is this article designed to be financial advice. While we vet each platform we mention on our website and provide regular content updates, we recommend that you conduct extensive research before making investment decisions, form your own opinion, and invest only what you can afford to lose because there is no such thing as a guarantee in investing.

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References & Citation(s):

31% having the intention to continue buying crypto in 2024 –,female%20investor%20portfolios%20on%20average

insolvency of one of the world’s leading exchanges, FTX –

Bybit –  

employs various safety features –  

20 in total as of 2022 –,largest%20city%20in%20the%20county.

at least KYC (Know Your Customer) Lv. 1 – 

Inverse Perpetual  – 

USDC Options – 

Spot –

Bybit Savings – 

taxed under capital gains tax –

Image by <a href=”″>Moondance</a> from <a href=”″>Pixabay</a>

Image by <a href=”″>Mohamed Hassan</a> from <a href=”″>Pixabay</a>

Image by <a href=”″>Sandra Schön</a> from <a href=”″>Pixabay</a>

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