

Originally founded in 2013 AGR ® Technology started out as a YouTube channel and later blog to share technical tutorials. Initially focusing on Android customization and later Windows, Linux, Security and other tips and tricks around technology.

Today AGR Technology has 5000+ downloads for our software utilities, over 100 articles and videos published reaching a wide international audience and offers services to assist businesses with their technical needs.

Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions?

“I need a website for my business along with digital marketing but don’t know where to start”

“My website was done a long time ago and really needs a new design”

“My website is loading very slow how can I speed it up for my customers”

“Newspaper classifieds and other ads just aren’t working like they used to I need something measurable for my business”

“I have been paying for SEO for a long time with no results what can I do to make SEO work for my business”

“Our workflow is very complicated I wish there was a software system to help make things easier and integrate everything we use”

If any of these questions sound familer then your in the right place! With many projects under our belt and experience across a variety of industries AGR Technology can help your business with proven techniques that are tried and tested.

Book a free consult

Our services

AGR ® Technology can help you with your next project through the following services:

Core values

Below are some of our most important core values for our business:

Trust and integrity

Been able to work with someone and trust they will look after your best interests is vital, we are committed to this and apply integrity to all our work and maintain trust with our clients and partners.

Quality work and service

When it comes to delivery of products or services quality is a number 1 priority and very important to us.

Long-term collaborations and partnerships

We believe in working for the long-haul and establishing relationships with partners along the way and working together to achieve better outcomes.


We believe in opensource and the communities and collaboration it enables, we have published several opensource projects such as Hashtoolbox, SmartPass and some others which can be found on our GitHub profile. In addition to creating opensource software we also support opensource and use various technologies throughout our business including Linux, FreeBSD and more.

Founder – Alessio Rigoli


My name is Alessio Rigoli and I grew up in the Shepparton Goulburn Valley area (GV). I started AGR Technology out of my passion for computing and technology back in high school when I got my first smartphone which at the time was running Android 2.3 and was very slow.

This set me on a path learning how to overclock the processor and eventually install custom ROM’s and get Android 4.0 installed which at the time was the newest release of Android. From here I began to develop my YouTube channel and eventually started blogging on this website and publishing free software utilities to share my findings and information I had learnt along the way.

Fast forward a few years and I was working in the I.T sector as a help desk technician performing system administration tasks and assisting end-users with issues. Finishing 2019 I commenced work in the family business performing various I.T tasks before also launching my own business in 2020 offering services and continuing to develop my website and software tools.

Outside of my work in technology I love watching movies, spending time with family, playing table tennis and spending time with my family Labradors Max and Ruby.



How long has AGR Technology been around for?

AGR Technology officially commenced business operations in 2020 offering services however has been around much longer as a blog serving users with tutorial videos, guides as well as creating free software utilities for 6 years.

Where is AGR Technology based?

AGR Technology is based in Shepparton, Victoria in Australia.

What type of content does AGR Technology provide?

We have a wide variety of content on our website including tips and tricks for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS along with information about security and data recovery.

Quick links

Blog: Contains all our blog posts that we share

Community: Contains all our social profiles where you can follow us for updates

Locations: Contains all service areas we can offer our services to

Press: This page contains all press releases from AGR Technology

Reviews: This page includes a compilation of reviews for our business

Tools: Contains all of our free online tools

Resources: Contains links to different resources both on our website and external sites

Partners: Contains some of our business partners and affiliates

Awards: Contains some awards we have received from around the web

Misc Projects: Contains other unrelated projects published by AGR Technology

Careers: Contains a contact form you can use if you would like to become part of the team

System Status: Provides information regarding uptime of AGR Technology services and updates when maintenance is scheduled.

If your interested in working with us you can reach us on our contact page or if your interested in doing business with us you can contact us on our partner page.

Business opening hours

Monday – Friday
9:00AM-5:00PM AEST
Saturday – Sunday

Mailing Address

If you would like to reach us via paper mail instead of email you may use the below address.
P.O Box 6441 Victoria, Australia
Australian Business Number (ABN): 72 332 702 961